The Boundary Line
For every “relationship” we hold in life, there’s a boundary line drawn somewhere in the sand.
I'm not going to attempt blind jabs at:
why we hold certain people at arm's distance
why we flock to others a little too quickly or a little too closely at times of conspicuous convenience
why we allow others to parasitically cling on - take take taking as our well runs dry dry dry.
When it comes to who and how we choose to constitute our community, the options are infinite.
No, that biz is best left to the psychologists, scholars, and stand-up comedians who have analyzed the glories and eccentricities of every type of relationship. Surely with an eloquence or hilarity far beyond what I could spontaneously blurt out.
I'm simply bringing up the idea of "boundaries" as a set of reminders to myself:
Humbly open your heart to receive the lessons and perspectives offered by another.
Wisely construct walls when necessary; namely in the face of people or situations that seem a bit too grand/polished/fancy/fast.
Vulnerably peel back layers of your onion (down to the the deep, strong, stinky, juicy ones) when you trust in your gut that the person is true and the time is right.
Courageously expose yourself -with all your likes, dislikes, oddities, bad accents, obscure references- other there. Because being paralyzed by the fear of rejection or being misunderstood is just too taxing, too safe, and too -frankly- boring.
Know your boundaries. Know your self. Be honest and malleable with both.
Sometimes you'll slowly crawl, sometimes pensively pace, or fiercely march, or gleefully skip, or manically sprint through/along/back-and-forth over your ever-undulating boundary line…
But just know: the right people with the right pace at the right time will match up with your ebb and flow.