Artists = Everybody

Line Drawing: Geoff McFetridge | Edit: Me

I love the feeling of surprise.

Not the kind of 'Surprise!  You parked next to a tree whose alluringly abundant foliage perfectly/mischievously blocked a fire hydrant, and now an garish orange envelope (housing an alarming $404 ticket) is blazing a laser beam into your stunned eyeballs.'  (And those four extra dollars…could we not at least land on an even hundo?)

No, I like people surprises.  When they come from people, that's certainly nice (like, say perhaps your brother brought you back some alpaca knee-high socks from his trip to Chile, or a stranger compliments your necklace from the massively discounted rack in Target).  But when they're about people, then that's the real stuff.

How does this all tie in with Art?  Well, I had this really big breakthrough, which was realizing that no matter how we look, dress, walk, talk, pay the bills, rise early or stay up late, we are ALL artists!  This opened me up to the excitement that everyday I could discover a surprise about someone if I keep my eyes, mind, and heart open.  Go beyond the surface and beyond stereotype.

*Here's an anecdote:  I know a very interesting man.  He is arguably one of the most unorthodox, enigmatic, and memorable characters that could be dreamed into existence:  He is attractive, athletic, charismatic, and funny.  He is also quick-tempered, critical, and a relentless backseat driver.  He wears a fanny-pack for practicality.  He is the quirky guy delaying the grocery line because he's telling stories in a foreign accent you "caaan't quiiite put your fiiinger on."  He is -by all outside observances- not someone you'd peg as a brilliant painter with works that spark awe.  But stemming from his childhood in Hungary, through immigration to the U.S. and citizenship herein, through raising four successful kids, to the present day, he's taken paint to canvas in order to create.  He's my dad and he's an artist.*

With that being said, I now look around at people on the sidewalk, or in a coffee shop, or that Target jewelry section, and wonder in what way they're driven to create.  

The mail(wo)man could be a concert violinist for all I know! Maybe that parking ticket officer builds canoes in their free time! Like Nick Offerman! Who would’ve guessed when Parks and Rec first aired that the man behind Ron Swanson has obsessed his existence with woodworking? Wouldn't it be a lovely surprise to look past face-value, get to know someone a little deeper, and ask... In what way are you an artist?


Pure Baby and Sage Lady


The Boundary Line